Editor’s Note: This story is an excerpt from a novel-in-progress. In the dark of the hall, Faraaz watches his brothers Manzoor and Adil alternately going to the toilet. It’s okay. They’ll tell when they’re ready. You can’t expect fifteen- and thirteen-year-old boys to...
Ash is a writer, strategist, and mountaineer. As a Kashmiri and as the son of an army officer, he has seen the Kashmiri conflict from all sides. Two other stories set in Kashmir (like “The Springtime Siege”) were published in Another Chicago Magazine and Terrain.org . He was a finalist in Cutbank’s Montana Prize for Fiction 2018 for a excerpt from his literary historical novel. Another excerpt from the novel was published by The Satirist. He contributed a political satire column in Litro where, of the pieces published, three were featured as Editor’s Pick. His flash fiction won a “favorite” in the Reflex Flash Fiction Spring Competition 2018.