Flight and Metamorphosis: PoemsNelly SachsTranslated by Joshua Weiner with Linda B. ParshallFarrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022 Although I am usually wary of presentism, the too-easy application of historical situations to current contexts, I find that Joshua Weiner’s new...

Heidi is an Art and Humanities Research Fellow with SixtyEight Art Institute in Copenhagen, and she also serves as a Nonresident Senior Research Fellow in the Environment and Climate program of the European Center for Populism Studies. She holds an M.F.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and a Ph.D. in German Studies from Duke University. She completed a postdoc at Utah State University and is a regular guest instructor at Linnaeus University in Sweden. She has received an ACLS-Mellon fellowship, several grants for environmental arts and curriculum development, and a Pushcart Prize for poetry. Her publications include the literary memoir Grace Notes (University of Utah Press, 2004), the quartet-series poetry collection Edge by Edge (Toadlily Press, 2007), and two academic monographs, Hanns Eisler’s Art Songs: Arguing with Beauty (Camden House, 2018) and Music and the Environment in Dystopian Narrative: Sounding the Disaster (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), as well as numerous literary and critical essays. Her curatorial work includes Climate Thanatology, an international arts constellation on music and climate grief, with a related book forthcoming from Really Simple Syndication Press.
Future Nostalgia for a Good, Clean War? 2034 by Elliot Ackerman and James Stavridis
2034: A Novel of the Next World WarBy: Elliot Ackerman and James StavridisPublished: March 2021 (Penguin Press) In a culture saturated with eco-dystopian future fantasies, a novel about the next world war on a still mostly functioning planet is as startling as it is...