Yury Lvovich during the war (1941-46) “ . . . But there is another victim: my son, a Komsomol member, who fought in the war as an artillery officer and was among the first to take Berlin. His war decorations and awards, earned with courage and blood, defending the...
Natasha is a writer and scholar of multilingualism and literature. Originally from Moscow, Russia, she teaches at City University of New York and divides her loyalties between academic and creative writing. She is the author of a collection of autobiographical narratives The Multilingual Self and of numerous pieces of creative nonfiction and essays. Her work appeared in journals (Life Writing, New Writing), anthologies (Lifewriting Annual, Anthology of Imagination & Place), art reviews (Full Bleed) and literary magazines (Post Road, Nashville Review, Two Bridges, bioStories, NDQ, Epiphany, New England Review, Hippocampus Magazine, Jewish Fiction); one of her CNF pieces has been nominated for Pushcart Prize. She is Senior Reader for Hippocampus Magazine; her essay commemorating 9/11 is forthcoming in Massachusetts Review. She is founder and Editor-in-Chief of a new academic Journal of Literary Multilingualism, published by Brill.