Latest Features
The Donkey
Photo credit: W. Greeson, USMC افغان “Yes, kaka zoi, I’m coming!” Hamid had been awake for an hour when he heard his cousin Kadir’s whistle. He had already revived the dying embers in the mud-brick fireplace, put a kettle...
Gaza by the Sea
Sunset in Gaza City, August, 2023 | Photo by author Author's Note: “Gaza by the Sea” was inspired by true events; the characters and plot line are fictional. The story was written in the summer of 2023, prior to the...
The Shadow of Our Own Bomb
In this short story, Shannon Frost Greenstein depicts the Rosenberg trials and executions from their children’s perspectives, offering a nuanced look into this moment in history.
Three Poems by Nwuguru Sullivan Chidiebere
The Marvels of Little Extents Our god is awake but chose to ignore us as a cloudemptying glass into a child's mouth there were days he gifted us the sky as a culture plate we madestreaks on it & hoped a colony of stars would grow...
Wounded Soldier to Fred
A poem by William Derge that pays homage to Fred Astaire and the part he played during the war by entertaining the troops.
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2, Item E
In June, the apricot tree saggedwith squat fruit that fell splat on the sidewalk. Children jumped for the velvet orbsBy mid-July, all had disappeared.All, except juice stains on concrete. As if no velvet, no fruits, ...
The Pforzheim Quartet
Editor’s Note: We're so excited and honored to be publishing this excerpt from Alexandria Peary's long poem, "The Pforzheim Quartet," which engages with history and memory through the use of extraordinary language, image, and sound. When we on the...
Lessons in Palestinian Motherhood, 101
Palestinian Woman | Acrylic on canvas | 2024 To be a Palestinian mother, you must learn some simple things: how to hold your wounded child until he sheds his last drop of blood; crafting words to turn a child into a man...
Three Poems by Olga Bragina
Editor’s Note: The following three poems are part of a cycle Olga Bragina wrote in 2023, a year after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. In the spring of 2022, after several weeks of intense bombing, she and her...
A Walk in Budapest
First stop: Medieval Jewish Prayer House—Középkori Zsidó Imaház American historians say Hungary’s political system is dangerous, but conservatives find inspiration in its Christian government. I expected dark shadows in Budapest storefronts, people yearning for freedom. Instead, I found...
Navigating a Broken World
A poster left by a participant taking part in a candlelight vigil and silent protest organized as part of the #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies | August 11, 2014 near the United Nations in New York.Photo credit: DON EMMERT/AFP via Getty Images Late last week, I switched on my car radio to...
Here’s Looking for You
Dad in the beige easy chair, a precursor to the blue chenille chair. Los Angeles, California. 1980sPhoto courtesy of the author The morning after my father’s first heart attack, I took the train from San Diego to Los Angeles to see him. It was December, near the end of my first semester...
Sarah Comes Home
Editor's Note: Consequence has always been on the lookout for impressive drama that deals with our themes. This is one reason why we are so excited to partner with acclaimed filmmaker David Rocchio, the Founder and Director of Stowe Story Labs. In this excerpt from David's feature...
The Beinart Notebook: A Review
The Beinart Notebook is a Substack site with a weekly “show” (via Zoom) in which the journalist Peter Beinart discusses issues concerning Israel-Palestine with his guests. These presentations are a...
Exit Wounds: How America’s Guns Fuel Violence Across the Border
In her paramedic training, Ieva Jusionyte was told, when dealing with gunshot victims, to “always look for the exit wound.” Exit wounds are larger and more irregular than entry wounds, and their...