
Matthew Krajniak
Matthew Krajniak earned a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Houston as a C. Glenn Cambor fellow. He coedited Wendy Battin: On the Life & Work of an American Master (Unsung Master Series, 2020), and his writing has appeared in Gulf Coast, Poetry Foundation, Willows Wept Review, The Avalon Literary Review, The Wax Paper, and elsewhere. His father, uncle, maternal grandmother, and maternal grandfather are all Veterans of foreign wars.

Elizabeth Lukács Chesla
Elizabeth Lukács Chesla writes, edits, and translates from the suburbs of Philadelphia. She holds an MA in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University and teaches at Gwynedd Mercy University. Her award-winning novella, You Cannot Forbid the Flower (2023), is based on her father’s experience in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. She was a finalist in the 2017 Quarter After Eight Robert J. DeMott Short Prose Contest and has work forthcoming in Flare: An Anthology of Chronic Illness Told in Flash Narratives.

C.H. Gorrie
C.H. Gorrie is a writer, editor, and digital marketer from San Diego. After completing an MA in British Literature from San Diego State he published a monograph on W.B. Yeats and existential psychology. His poetry, fiction, and hybrid works have appeared in venues like Duende, San Diego Poetry Annual, The Penn Review, and Poems-for-All. He has held various senior editorial roles in the electronic media space, and is the owner of Text Sense, a content creation and digital marketing agency.

Milica Mijatović
Milica Mijatović is a Serb poet, translator, and author of War Food (Southword Editions), winner of the 2022 Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition. Born in Brčko, Bosnia and Hercegovina, she received her MFA in Creative Writing from Boston University and was a recipient of a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship in Poetry. Her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart and appears in Rattle, Salamander, Plume, The Louisville Review, Collateral, Santa Clara Review, Poet Lore, and elsewhere.

Parisa Saranj
Parisa Saranj is an Iranian-American writer and translator. Her writings on contemporary Iranian politics and Persian (Farsi) translations have been published in Ms. Magazine, Defunct, Two Lines, Your Impossible Voice, and TIME Digital Magazine. She has translated two books, Empty and Me (Lee & Low, 2023) by Azam Mahdavi and Women, Life, Freedom: Our Fight for Human Rights and Equality in Iran (Cornell University Press, 2023) by Nasrin Sotoudeh.

April Sunami
April Sunami is a mixed media painter, muralist, curator, and teaching artist. Sunami earned a BA and MA in art history from the Ohio State University and Ohio University respectively. Her paintings are in public and private collections throughout the nation, and have been featured in numerous exhibitions throughout the country and internationally including the National Theatre of Ghana in Accra and the 2019 Cuba Biennial.

Peter Brown
Peter Brown’s collection of short stories, A Bright Soothing Noise (UNT Press, 2010), won the Katherine Anne Porter Prize. With co-translators, he has published three books of poetry in translation, including a French translation of the collected poems of David Ferry. Recent work has appeared in The North Dakota Quarterly and The Harvard Review. He was a founding editor of Salamander.