Two Poems

Two Poems

Acrostic: Grandmother Mary and the Great War Could this be the river that burned?Under late summer’s waning moonyellow star-points of fireflies flashed onand off in evening’s mists, constellations rearranging themselves throughhaze high above avenue lamps that...
Folly Beach

Folly Beach

In memoriam: Clementa Pinckney and eight others murdered at Mother Emanuel It’s only here where I’ve seen the surf crimping into ruffled-up petticoats, the edges of olive and indigo skirts of wave, of glance, of flirt, of buff— Rococo cream frame for the rough tide,...
The Soldier’s Boots

The Soldier’s Boots

We pull them on daily weighted with sentiment, one at a time; first over the toes, sliding past the arches, and finally tugging up and over the heel. We tightly knot the laces, tucking in the excess strings, fasten buckles, shine the scuffs off the toe cap, secure the...
All Our Eyes Remembering Love

All Our Eyes Remembering Love

for Joan Sit under the tree long enough     And you will be covered in blossoms     We will all bury our loves      In the cold earth of springtime     Even if no one is there to watchOr bear witness or testament Even a hero’s song will end in oxygen machinesCount the...


“ . . . there is nothing so coherent as a paranoid’s delusion or a swindler’s story.”—Clifford Geertz, in his study of Balinese cockfighting We’ve left the frontier with the blue helmets. There is always Schubert playing somewhere in a war zone.The commander puts...
Shopping Upstairs

Shopping Upstairs

For my grandfather, Lewis Parke Chamberlayne “ . . . so-called periods of transition (if all periods are not so) –those centuries when a new religious or political systemis growing up amidst the decay of the old one . . . ”   —L.P.C. Since the contagion isn’t...
A Burdened Balance

A Burdened Balance

In the attic of this hundred year-old housethe gable window stares dry-eyed into the sun. Years ago, careless and in a hurry to finish at the topof a tall ladder, I painted it shut from the outside. Now it won’t budge. With the heels of both handsI press against the...
A Sit-In, Hours Before the Iraq War Began

A Sit-In, Hours Before the Iraq War Began

Iraq war protestors. Feb. 15, 2003 JFK Federal Building, Boston, March 2003 After days of drums, chanting, and frightened planningwe sit, quiet, on a scab of concrete,blocking the spinning doors of war.My animal eyes fix on the officer’s belt,quick breath awaiting his...
Spuntinu in Gerace

Spuntinu in Gerace

Friend! This year the olives will be late, it has been cool.             Cool? I’ve never sweltered like this. No. This is what cool means. We pick by hand, putting in ventilated boxes in the shade to press that very day. We know what Abbas Ibn Fadhl thought he knew...
July Morning

July Morning

I wake to dark sky     and heavy rain    equal in an hour    to 30 inches of snow.      The emergency signal      blares on the radio.Flash floods.People strandedon roofs of cars.Stay off the roads! House-bound, I pick upwhere I left offin Remarque, his bookabout the...

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